The lanyard pins which debuted at Disney’s Pin Celebration in September 2006 (released in late 2006 and 2007), Disney announced this series would officially become the Hidden Mickey series. To celebrate, Disney, once again, did something to confuse current and future collectors. They re-released sub-series from the previous four editions. Some of these are easily identifiable. For example, the Formal Characters were a different size, the Topiaries were smaller, silver instead of gold, and details were changed like the color of Dumbo’s hat and some of the leaves. Series I and Series II pins had been released without the silver Mickey, so those pins can be identified from the front, because for the new series, they did. For others, literally the only easily identifiable difference is the original says “Cast Lanyard Series” on the back and the re-released version says “Hidden Mickey.” If you are confused about which series your pin is from, check the back. All the re-releases say “Hidden Mickey,” all the originals “Cast Lanyard Series.” All pins were personally obtained from cast lanyards or pin boards in the parks. See photos for condition. Pin picture is the actual pin you will receive. New pins will be added regularly Shipping is $3 + $0.50 for each additional pin PIN numbers refer to PIN number on